Aim for 1,000km of greenways across NI Belfast member Jonathan Hobbs, who moderates NI Greenways, and is active in lobbying for greater cycling provision in Northern Ireland, writes on a major move by Northern Ireland’s Infrastructure Minister, Chris Hazzard in laying out an exciting long term strategy for development of Greenways.
Would that we here in the Republic could manage to get a similar strategy agreed by our incumbent minister of Transport Tourism & Sport, who has yet to make any statement of substance in relation to Active Travel, and sustainable transport. continues to seek a meeting with Minister Shane Ross, to put the case for a greater share of transport investment for cycling.  We have yet to get an agreed meeting.
In the meantime why do we need to look North to get a definitive statement of belief in cycling as a central and important mode of transport, as well as providing major health and environmental benefits!?
Shane Ross needs to wake up to the future of transport in a reduced carbon emission world