on the Rise!

2023 is a super exciting year for as we see our campaigning work from over the years really bearing fruit with new cycling infrastructure appearing countrywide – and with more and more people taking to the bike. 

We are also entering an exciting new chapter of our journey as we enhance our ways of working and the numbers of volunteers we have on board. 

We are also looking to expand our paid professional staff complement and, to this end, we are now refreshing and expanding our Income Generation Action Group. 

We are very keen to bring into that group members of our network with expertise in the whole domain of business development and fundraising. We particularly welcome contact from those with successful experiences with making funding applications to statutory bodies and/or philanthropic organisations – and/or with knowledge of CSR / Corporate Social Responsibility schemes. 

The next six months are critical to secure funding to support the growth of cycling advocacy. If you have expertise in these areas, your work will ensure the viability of our organisation into the future.

Please drop a line to our National Cycling Coordinator, Dr. Damien Ó Tuama, if you can help out in this domain.

Thank you.

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