
Irish Cycling Campaign Complaints Policy

Statement of policy

We are committed to undertaking all of our work to the best of our ability, so we welcome feedback on our operations.  If we receive a formal complaint, we pledge to take it seriously, consider it with an open mind, treat it sensitively, investigate it thoroughly, and respond in a fair and timely manner.  We also commit to putting things right where they may have gone wrong and, where needed, taking steps to ensure that similar issues do not arise again. 


This policy may be used by Irish Cycling Campaign members, members of the public or other interested parties (funders, partners, etc) in relation to any aspect of our organisation and its work.

This policy may not be used for:

  • Employment-related grievance and disciplinary matters by Board and staff members
  • Personal disputes that are unrelated to the organisation and its work
  • Anonymous, abusive or vexatious complaints
  • Complaints that relate to matters which are subject to an ongoing independent inquiry or legal proceedings.

Note that the Executive Committee/Board may refuse to investigate a complaint on the above grounds.  Note also that the process of investigating a complaint may result in the triggering of another process, as per chapter 8 of our operations manual that deals with effective working practices.


We encourage people to deal informally with issues of concern in the first instance.  If this is not possible or not appropriate, the use of this formal complaints policy is recommended.

We will publicise this policy on our website and in our operations manual.  If someone indicates that they intend to make a formal complaint, we will signpost them to this policy.

All formal complaints must be in writing.  Complainants are asked to provide as much detail as possible to evidence their complaint, because this will make the subsequent decision-making process easier and quicker.

Complaints should be emailed to the Chairperson of the Executive Committee (please use the contact form below for this) who will consider and investigate the complaint prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee.  

If required, the Chairperson of the Executive Committee may seek additional information or evidence from the complainant or other parties related to the complaint.

The Executive Committee will make a decision on foot of the evidence presented by the complainant and Chairperson.  The Chairperson will inform the complainant in writing of the Executive Committee decision without delay after a decision is reached.

If the complainant is unhappy with the decision, they may appeal to the Chairperson of the Board ([email protected]) within one month of receiving notification of the Executive Committee decision.  The Chairperson will undertake further investigation as necessary prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Board.  If required, this may include seeking further information or evidence from the complainant or other parties related to the complaint. The Board will make a decision on foot of the evidence presented following the Chairperson’s investigation.  The Chairperson will inform the complainant in writing of the Board decision without delay after a decision is reached.

If the complaint is about the Executive Committee or one of its members, or is about a member of staff, it must be directed straight to the Board.

The Board decision is final.

The Executive Committee and Board will treat as confidential any information disclosed as part of a formal complaint, except where disclosure is required in order to investigate or resolve the issues raised.  Any documentation relating to complaints will be filed securely.

Policy approved by Board

9 April 2024
