After years of consultations, documents, PR etc. it is good to see some bollards on the ground at last
The flagship project is the river / canal path between the city and the university – 3/4km; but the road route is also in for improvement; the key impediment for cyclists on this route are two of the largest roundabouts in Limerick.
Below are some pictures of the work-in-progress on one of these roundabouts; a few things worth mentioning: 1) a key idea is to improve the (currently narrow) bi-directional pedestrian / cycle path on the city – university route 2) two 3-lane approaches to the roundabout are being reduced to 2-lane 3) the roundabout diameter is being increased
To be somewhat cynical about it, you could say this work is really a partial roll-back of the excessively car-centric infrastructure built in an earlier time
This is a report I did for LCC on this roundabout – which deals with these issues and more: Groody Roundabout Cycle Audit
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